Local spotlight - Alzheimer's Society

We will be shining the spotlight on local organisations making a difference in your community in these difficult times, and today we are featuring Alzheimer's Society.
Alzheimer's Society

During the pandemic many local organisations have suffered hardship with many services temporarily closing.  But we'd like to shine the spotlight on those who've worked tirelessly for the Darlington public in keeping their community safe. Kathryn Hardwick, Darlington Dementia Advisor kindly shares how the Alzheimer's Society has been making a difference during the pandemic.

Can you tell us about your group, service or organisation and how it started? 

Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. Our vision is a world without dementia, and to ensure those living with a diagnosis today have the care they need, are supported and accepted by society and are able to live in their community without fear and prejudice. We campaign for change nationally and locally, fund research to find a cure and support people living with dementia today through a wide range of services. In Darlington, one strand of the support we provide is our Dementia Advice Service. The service provides one-to-one support for everyone affected by dementia or who has concerns about their memory, but that support is unique to the individual’s personal circumstances and needs. 


Can you share how your group, service or organisation is making a difference and who you have helped? 

Our Dementia Advice service provides personalised, clear, relevant information, advice and support to everyone affected by dementia or who has memory concerns, from pre-diagnosis throughout the person’s journey with dementia. We work closely with other local organisations; referring and signposting service users so they receive the most appropriate help and support. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on the delivery of local face to face services for all organisations and this has been upsetting, isolating and challenging for those affected by dementia. We have still been there for people affected by dementia in Darlington by providing a listening ear, being a source of information and support, working with and keeping in regular contact with all our service users. In response to Covid-19, the Alzheimer’s Society continues to provide telephone support and has developed an interim service which provides regular Welfare Calls to our current service users, many of whom were previously using our group services, and the additional offer of a Companion Call to support with social isolation. In 2019, the Dementia Adviser Service provided information, advice and support to 216 individual service users with 1376 interactions. By July 2020, the Dementia Adviser Service has reached out to 97 Service Users with 774 interactions.   

Thinking about the pandemic and who you have helped, have you learnt anything from your experience?  

Living with dementia at any time brings everyday challenges for the person and those around them. Coronavirus has made life so much more difficult for those affected by dementia, from social isolation to social distancing when out and about. The key learning point I would take from this pandemic would be there needs to be more support available for people affected by dementia to access services; have confidence in going back out into the community and to feel empowered.  

What has been a highlight for your group, service or organisation so far?

Simply supporting people affected by dementia in the way that we do is the biggest highlight for us! It is an absolute privilege to do the work we do with the people we support, and we only wish we could do more for our service users!

  What are your hopes for the future? 

We hope we can keep being a source of information, advice and support for those affected by dementia. Unfortunately, the pandemic has affected every organisation across the country, but charities are the hardest hit because we rely on donations to keep doing the work we do; to be there to support people living with dementia. We hope we can come through this period and still be able to reach out to everyone affected by dementia.  

It is an absolute privilege to do the work we do with the people we support, and we only wish we could do more for our service users!

Kathryn Hardwick, Alzheimer's Society

Do you have a message or words of encouragement for anyone who needs help or may be worried about lock down restrictions easing?  

One of our key messages that we actively promote to all our service users is to ‘live well with dementia’. Living well means different things to different people. Whatever people enjoy doing, we actively encourage them to keep doing the things that give them meaning and purpose; and at this difficult time keep safe, take care and don’t to be afraid to ask for support. 

Their Richmond office is temporarily closed due to the pandemic; however, they can still be contacted via our office number on 01748 825817 or by email  DarlingtonTeesValley@alzheimers.org.uk.  

For professional referrals, they request that their referral form is completed and sent to DarlingtonTeesValley@alzheimers.org.uk   

Get in touch

Alzheimer’s Society Tees Valley Hambleton & Richmondshire, Garget Walker House, 25A Olav Road, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL10 4PU 

01748 825817  

07734 785428