Public engagement - Community Equipment Service Review

Across County Durham and Darlington, health and care organisations are working together to help understand the experiences of individuals who have used the Community Equipment Service.
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This service provides a diverse range of practical pieces of equipment to those people who need it as part of their recovery from periods of illness or injury, as well as for those with longer term needs (who may need changes to their home environment).

To help look at what we need from this service in the future, they want to listen to the views and experiences of people who have used this service (as well as their family/carers). They are also gathering the views of frontline staff who are involved in ensuring people get the equipment they need as part of their recovery.

By understanding people’s experiences and their expectations for how a community equipment service could best operate in the future, it will be possible to develop and improve the service and enable it to continue to operate in the safest possible way for all concerned.

People will have the opportunity to share their comments from the 30th November 2020, until 22nd January 2021.

Further information about how to get involved in this engagement is available on the Tees Valley CCG website.

Download the stakeholder briefing here