Organisation of the week - Halo Project

Our next organisation of the week is Halo Project!

About Halo

The Halo Project specialises in Domestic Abuse, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Abuse and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).  We support victims and survivors from the Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic communities. The Halo Project delivers accredited honour based abuse, forced marriage and FGM training  to professionals. We provide accredited trauma informed education work to victim’s and survivors of honour-based abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

Address: Vanguard Suite, BBC Broadcasting House, Gilkes Street, Middlesbrough TS1 5JA


Email address:

Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm

Age ranges for each service: Outreach Support 16+

Referral pathways: You can visit our website, speak to our BME specialist advisors on 01642 683045, alternatively you can contact us by email on