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    Our next organisation of the week is Kooth!
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    Total Order Pro CIC provides home decluttering services to those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged by mental and/or physical health problems.
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    Do you have children in your household? Are you struggling to make ends meet in the current cost of living crisis? Cash for Kids grants are available to apply for now.
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    New funding is available for energy assessments, and capital grants for VCSE organisations through Groundwork.
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    The Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre (RSACC) is offering new Bystander training in April.
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    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence are recruiting members for one of their guideline Committees.
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    For the fifth year in a row, Darlington has been flagged as a great place for a night out.
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    This is an invitation to attend the next online Reaching Out To Families meeting on Friday 5 April at 10:30am until 12pm.
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    Darlington Carers have an event coming up, giving carers the chance to relax with a cuppa and take part in some fun and games.
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    The DIG-IT (Digital Inclusion - Growing in IT) Project led by Teesside University are encouraging individuals and organisations to complete the 'Digital Skills in the Community' survey to inform research and to better understand the digital inequality across the Tees Valley area.
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    People have been telling us about challenges they face getting NHS dentistry. As a result we are working with the NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) in the North East and North Cumbria to better understand people’s experiences of dentistry in 2023.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
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    Our next organisation of the week is NECA!
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    A new accreditation is available, allowing businesses to create a welcoming environment for breastfeeding mothers and their families to feel more confident feeding in public.
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    From character meet and greets to live music and exhibitions, Darlington Borough Council has a fantastic line up of free events scheduled to take place in the town centre this spring.
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    Sun seekers looking to book their summer getaway are being warned to look out for fraudulent deals, as new data released today shows victims lost a staggering £12.3 million to holiday fraud last year.
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    The National Institute for Care and Excellence are delighted to let you know that the consultation on their draft Working alongside people and communities at NICE: a three-year strategy for involvement and engagement is now open.
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    By the community, for the community - the next Arcus Forum will be hosted by dedicated professionals but also open to the public LGBT+ community too.
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    New Walking Netball sessions have started at Darlington Baptist Church and you don't even need to have played before!
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    Versus Arthritis is recruiting for a Volunteer Support and Service Trainer to join their team.
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    Funding of up to £15,000 is available to communities across the UK for projects that promote a healthy heart.
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    Our next organisation of the week is Learning & Skills!
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    We're delighted to announce our next Darlington Organisations Together meeting is taking place at 10am to 12pm on Thursday 14 March and your community organisation is invited!
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    Our friends at Healthwatch Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland have produced very handy booklets on accessing your GP and Community Pharmacy.
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    Healthwatch Darlington is the only community champion for people who use health and social care services in Darlington. We have a vital role to play in ensuring people in Darlington are engaged, listened to and provided with an avenue to tell us their views and opinions.
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    The team at Durham County Carers Support have a wide range of events coming up in the next couple of months for carers to sign up to and get the support they need.
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    There is an important upcoming change to Young Carers provision in Darlington.
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    Going to your local pharmacy offers an easy and convenient way to get clinical advice on minor health concerns, and now community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care.
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    Our next organisation of the week is the North East Regional Cyber Crime Unit (NERCCU)
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    Alzheimer's Society are introducing new carer sessions beginning Tuesday 9 April.
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    Nepacs, a charity with provides support to individuals impacted by adverse situations in their lives (such as involvement in the criminal justice or care systems), are currently offering a range of virtual training that might be of interest to you if you work with children or families inc health care, local authorities, criminal justice, education and the voluntary sector.
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    Becoming visible would like to give an update on current happenings around the north east, with new coffee mornings and sessions for various age groups being introduced.
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    Northeast entrepreneurs, commercial investors and business agents are invited to take part in a musical tour to discover the wealth of opportunities available to people looking to open or expand their business in Darlington.
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    A new campaign from the NHS is urging the public to get their blood pressure checked.
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    Youth Focus North East have recently begun working on one of their training packages called Access Unlimited.
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    For World Book Day, pioneering visual literacy charity Beyond Words launched their ambitious new Book Club in a Box project, aiming to create 300 new Book Clubs for people with learning disabilities by 2026. The Book Club in a Box is a free pack of books and materials that will enable people, charities and organisations to kickstart a Book Club in their local area.
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    This month is Brain Tumour Awareness Month, a month recognising the demand for immediate action to support, empower, and amplify the voice of the brain tumour community.
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    Our next organisation of the week is Breathe Easy Darlington!
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    Learning & Skills have a range of NEW courses available including: Upskill for employment, Functional Skills, Distance Learning, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses and Family First Aid courses to help you on your journey to future employment!
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    Are you interested in finding out about bicycles, but don't know where to start? Sustrans, the charity that makes is easier to walk, wheel and cycle is here to help!
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    Learning & Skills have a range of NEW courses available including:Creative Crafts, Parenting Together and Time for Books sessions!
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    Café JJ is a successful, award-winning registered charity which first opened as a community cafe in 2007. The project provides support to a team of learning-disabled adults to enable them to be involved in the running of the café. They have an opportunity for a Project Co-ordinator to join their team.
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    Darlington Association on Disability have released a full list of new groups for 2024 in Darlington. These include DASH, Young leaders and Mentoring for Independence, and more! They've also renewed their call for new volunteers to join their team.
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    Works to transform properties and businesses on Victoria Road in Darlington are set to start this month.
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    A new fund is being introduced to help families who experience fuel poverty across the region.
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    Our next organisation of the week is Sustrans!
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    Darlington Borough Council are running FREE holidays activities and food during the Easter holidays (not including bank holidays)
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    Last year, our polling highlighted the stark impact the cost of living crisis was having on people’s access to health and care.
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    Darlington's Commitment to Carers has been co-produced by members of the Carers's Strategy Steering Group (CSSG) and family carers in Darlington.
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    The National Institute for Health and Care Research is looking for members of the public to join one of their committees. The committees help decide which research to prioritise and which research projects to fund in health and social care.