1. News -

    The England Illegal Money Lending Team share the winter edition of the Stop Loan Sharks Newsletter, read about a smartphone app which has been launched to make it quicker and easier for people to report loan sharks and access support.
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    Throughout the pandemic Sarah Furness a Wellness Co-ordinator at Anchor care homes has been producing ‘Embrace’ – ‘a hug’ in the form of a mini magazine for their care home residents. She has now shared it so that other people can enjoy it.
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    Carers UK has welcomed the inclusion of unpaid carers in the publication of new COVID vaccination advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) published on 30th December 2020.
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    Following the announcement that England is now in a national lockdown, to control the virus and protect the NHS. The following up to date information could be useful for you and your family or somebody you know.
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    Live Well North East share a brand new virtual timetable to support community wellbeing and mental health.
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    If you were pregnant during 2019 and 2020 and live in the the North East you can share your experience to help shape services by taking part in this questionnaire.
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    An Infant Feeding Specialist from the Darlington 0-19 Growing Healthy Team will be running a Virtual Antenatal Group via Microsoft Teams to discuss infant feeding with a focus on Breastfeeding.

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    Together for Better - Darlington Parent Carer Forum along with SENDIASS Darlington will be hosting a series of new online information sessions for parent/carers of children with Special Educational Needs (SEND)
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    Michelle shares her Covid-19 experience when unfortunately she became unwell in October 2020 unexpectedly with the virus. We also hear about why the new asymptomatic community testing taking place in Darlington is so important. 
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    Darlington Dementia Advice & Support Team share their latest Newsletter, information on their new Carer’s course, an updated local services dementia directory for those affected by dementia and their most recent service referral form.
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    Diabetes UK share an update on key information and support now available in relation to coronavirus and the impact on services including 'Your diabetes care during coronavirus' and new advice for people 'Preparing for remote appointments'.
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    The Government have launched a new code word scheme, where if you are experiencing domestic abuse and need immediate help, you can ask for ‘ANI’ in any participating pharmacy.
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    Concessionary bus pass holders in Darlington are being asked to come forward with details of any changes to their personal details as the council prepares for the renewal of around 14,000 passes which are set to expire at the end of March 2021.
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    Divya Chadha Manek from the UK Vaccine Taskforce addresses their concerns in English. For those who may not have English as a first language, doctors have also answered the questions in five languages: Gujarati, Punjabi, Sylheti, Tamil and Urdu.
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    North East Autism Society have a virtual support hub available for parent, carers and their family members offering zoom webinars, LIVE Q & A sessions and virtual support group sessions.
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    Friends and families of prisoners in north east prisons are invited to join upcoming virtual Visitors Voice group meetings, organised by Nepacs, taking place for prisons in the north east.
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    SignHealth are a unique service in England that provides support to Deaf people who are experiencing or having witnessed domestic abuse. They are a diverse team of qualified Deaf IDVAs that support clients over 16yrs of any gender or sexuality.
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    Mental Health North East (MHNE) share two publications, the winter edition of their Reach Out North East Newsletter produced completely by young people and children and 100 years of progress Women's Conference Report.
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    An online event has been arranged for Children’s Mental Health Week to take place next week LIVE on Facebook for families, young people and professionals in Darlington.
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    This guide explains about the COVID-19 vaccination, who is eligible and who needs to have the vaccine to protect them from coronavirus (COVID-19).
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    The latest update from VONNE for the VCSE sector across the North East, read the latest research on the impact of Covid, meet VONNE's new faces and more.
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    Routes to Work share their most recent newsletter which includes news that the programme has been extended for another year due to its success and will now offer support to unemployed people across the region until 31st March 2022.
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    Groundswell has produced a short guide about the COVID-19 vaccination for people who are homeless which gives some information about the vaccine and the vaccination process.
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    For Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, Kooth is excited to unveil its “Don’t Do It Alone” campaign, designed to encourage open conversations around mental health so children and young people know they are not alone with their struggles.
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    Age UK North Yorkshire and Darlington have a FREE online chair based Yoga class starting on Monday afternoons.
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    Diabetes UK share their latest update, there's lots of helpful information including When Your Child Is Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 - Virtual Q&A Session, download their guide to moving more or challenge yourself with FakeAway Feb.
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    Darlington Primary Care Network share an update about the vaccine for those who are shielding and remind people that they can choose to have their vaccine locally.
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    The campaign will run across Durham & Darlington FM from February 15th, and aims to reach sexual violence survivors who due to lockdown may not be aware of the charity and the range of services it provides – especially its telephone Helpline.
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    Hear from a range of experts from South Asian backgrounds including hospital consultants, GPs and those with other expertise in the field, including spread of disease and immune responses and how they have been working through the pandemic.
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    We are pleased to share our Chair of Healthwatch Darlington’s board - (retired GP) Dr Robert Upshall received his Covid-19 vaccine on Monday.
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    Do you want to know how to use an iPad, learn how to make video calls, send an email and keep yourself safe online? Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Mental Health and Deafness Service is running a 7 week course in BSL.
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    The BBC Asian Network are helping people in the South Asian community to spot potential coronavirus vaccine scams, with advice videos in five South Asian languages: Urdu, Punjabi, Sylheti, Tamil and Gujarati.
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    The Department of Health and Social Care - DHSC are extending the shielding guidance until 31 March. Those on the Shielded Patient List will receive a letter to inform them of the extension.
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    Each step will be assessed against four tests before restrictions ease, starting with the return of schools on 8 March.
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    The latest update from VONNE for the VCSE sector across the North East. An opportunity to take VONNE forward into 2022, and more.
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    A Staff Wellbeing Hub has been set up by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System. It will support the region’s health and care staff to access what they need to stay mentally well throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    A fourth Large Vaccination Centre for the region opened at the Darlington Arena on Monday 1st March 2021 adding even more capacity to help the NHS vaccinate as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
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    We want to hear from autistic people and people with a learning disability about their experiences of care during COVID-19 (as well as their family and carers).
  39. Advice and Information -

    Due to the pandemic everything has changed this year which means making decisions about your future as a young person can be worrying or confusing. Youthwatch Darlington share information helping young people during these uncertain times.
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    Mr Welch said "If we don't take up the offer of the vaccine this virus will continue to circulate throughout our communities"
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    Public Health England and the NHS share a selection of easy read Covid-19 vaccine guides including information for women who might get pregnant, are pregnant or who are breastfeeding.
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    Diabetes UK share their latest update including details of their conference in April, a Virtual Q&A Session - Supporting Your Child With Type 1 To Become More Independent, COVID-19 Vaccine news for people living with diabetes and more.
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    All students across England will start to return to classrooms from Monday 8th March. For some secondary schools and colleges they may open under a phased return.
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    1AB Taxis have announced they will be providing a taxi service to the Darlington Arena Vaccination Centre to help people who need a vaccine.
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    Does your pass expire on or before 31 March 2021? If so, you will need to register for an online bus pass account to renew your pass.
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    The Bread & Butter Thing - a charity providing people and families with weekly groceries for less will be delivering to The Communtiy Centre, Coleridge Gardens, Skerne Park every Monday at 12 noon.
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    Department of Health & Social Care provide information and advice to unpaid carers in England about the COVID-19 vaccines and how those caring for people vulnerable to COVID-19 can get vaccinated.
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    Good Grief Festival offers free virtual events, exploring the human experience of grief, taking place from 27th - 28th March 2021.
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    Miniature cameras which patients can swallow to get checked for cancer are being trialled across the NHS.