1. News -

    Versus Arthritis are hosting a webinar titled “Encouraging Physical Activity in the management of Musculoskeletal Conditions”
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    Consultants will strike for 48-hours on Thursday 20 July and Friday 21 July, over an unresolved pay dispute with government that will leave more patient appointments and operations affected.
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    If you have a complaint to make about a healthcare service, knowing the correct procedure can be tricky. So how do you make a complaint?
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    Darlington social prescribers are hosting their first ‘WELL’ Being event at The Well Methodist Church, 164 North Road, Darlington, DL1 2EL on Tuesday 1st August 2023 between 11am-2pm.
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    NHS England has published their monthly waiting time data, with stats covering elective care, cancer, and A&E.
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    Findings from a survey of more than 36,000 people who used NHS urgent and emergency care services in September 2022 show that many people had a worse experience than in previous years – particularly those treated in an A&E type department.
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    Springfield Healthcare are introducing a one week intensive course allowing people to upskill for employment in Health and Social Care.
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    No matter what size of group or organisation, we would like to hear what challenges you are facing and what support and funding would help you and those you support in the future.
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    The results of the latest annual survey of hospital inpatients published by the CQC show patient satisfaction levels have remained largely static since 2021, but indicate a longer term decline in most areas compared to previous years.
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    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission published 115 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
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    Children with Cancer UK are raising awareness this month for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
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    There have been a couple of developments about the CQC's new assessment regime.
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    Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust are seeking to appoint 2 Non-Executive Directors to join their Board.
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    Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust gives notice that it is holding elections to the Council of Governors for a 3-year term commencing 1st December 2023.
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    The Recovery College Online have updated their online course prospectus.
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    Do you have lived experience of cancer? Would you like to help improve the lives of others affected by cancer, from the comfort of your own home? If so, CDDFT are recruiting to their Patient Reviewer Panel.
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    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence are pleased to announce that the draft Transition from children’s to adults’ services - update quality standard consultation period is now open until Thursday 26th October.
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    The Care Quality Commission has published its annual State of Care report highlighting poorer ratings across maternity and mental health services.
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    North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and Public Health would love to hear from women, and those who identify as women about how health services work for them in their new survey.
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    Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust is currently seeking nominations from the Third/Community and Voluntary Sector to join their Council of Governors.
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    The Stroke Research Patient and Carer Panel is looking for new members!
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    Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust are hosting their Annual General and Members’ Meeting 2023 at Darlington Arena on 23 November 1-5pm and would love to see you there.
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    The government has allocated a £40 million fund for local authorities to strengthen urgent and emergency care resilience and performance this winter.
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    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission published 53 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
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    Fancy a cuppa? You could join GOLD (Growing Older Living in Darlington) for their information to find out more about them!
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    Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust would like to update you on the new way to access the Durham Tees Valley listening service.
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    Healthwatch Darlington are sharing this information on behalf of Fair4All and are not in a position to advise on matters related to a person's financial situation. We are relaying this information to you as we are aware people may affected by the closure of Morses Club.
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    Healthwatch Darlington want to gather as much feedback as possible regarding health and social care services in the Borough of Darlington.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
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    The National Institute for Care and Excellence are delighted to let you know that the consultation on their draft Working alongside people and communities at NICE: a three-year strategy for involvement and engagement is now open.
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    Last year, our polling highlighted the stark impact the cost of living crisis was having on people’s access to health and care.
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    North Tees and Hartlepool and South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts have formally came together in partnership, creating an exciting opportunity for the two Trusts to work together to strengthen their collaborative offer of patient care.
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    The deaf health charity 'Sign Health' have translated COVID-19 information from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
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    The government is currently coordinating the national response the outbreak of COVID-19, and Public Health England (PHE) has published a range of COVID-19 guidance for health professionals.
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    The deaf health charity 'Sign Health' have translated COVID-19 information from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
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    GOLD (Growing Older Living in Darlington) have their Annual General Meeting coming up and you can be a part of it!
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    Darlington Carers Support update around changes to their service due to Covid - 19
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    Darlington Young Carers are still offering support to young people during the Covid-19 outbreak.
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    Free online bereavement training launched by Winston's Wish for schools and individuals.
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    This 'Stay Inside: Be Inspired' initiative encourages families and support staff to develop the skills needed to support people with learning disabilities and/or autism in staying active and trying new things and creating structure and routine.
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    Darlington Carers Support are holding their next afternoon tea and cake party this Thursday on Zoom in their 'virtual' carer support room!
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    The Age of Creativity Festival usually held in May has been postponed until May 2021. However, Age of Creativity want to share the virtual events that you have organised so they can be enjoyed by a large number of people around the country.
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    The Council for Disabled Children are working in association with FLARE to ensure disabled children and young people, and those with special educational needs, have an equal say in issues and decisions that affect them and their families.
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    As well as working directly with Young Carers and their families, the team at Humankind Darlington Young Carers Service are also able to raise awareness with other staff around Young Carers issues, the work they do and how to refer to them.
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    Learning & Skills in Darlington are holding a Zoom taster session for Parents/Guardians of Darlington Young Carers and it has now been extended to any young adult carer aged 19+ who would be interested in learning with them - flexibly and remotely.
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    New guidance has been issued by Public Health England for those at high risk from Coronavirus and who are currently shielding.
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    Feeling breathless? Have a temperature or cough? These are some symptoms of Coronavirus. If you're isolating with symptoms, there are some things you can try in the comfort of your own home that may help.
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    YoungMinds have launched a new web chat for parents and carers on their website. The parents webchat service provides signposting to help parents and carers find the information they are looking for with regards to their child's mental health.