Mind - LGBTIQ+ mental health support

Mind are offering mental health support to the LGBTIQ+ community in Darlington.
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Mind is here for anyone experiencing a mental health problem. People with LGBTIQ+ identities may face extra challenges around getting the right support. and they may sometimes have extra needs or concerns.  Sometimes even the smallest piece of advice or support can help someone in need.  

Here are some handy tips to help you with your mental health:

  • Talking to someone you trust such as a friend or relative
  • Peer support such as group meetings to share experiences with others
  • Self care - doing something to help yourself like joining an LGBTIQ+ group
  • Ask your doctor for help - medical professionals are there to help you with your mental health as well as your physical health
  • Go to a specialist LGBTIQ+ mental health service to take part in counselling or talking therapies
  • Work with a therapist to open up about your feelings and experiences and connect with your emotions

Remember, as a member of the LGBTIQ+ community your voice has a right to be heard and you cannot be discriminated against.

To find out more about the services offered by Mind you can contact them on:

01325 283169 or visit their website for lots of very useful resources.