Mental health at work - Transitioning back to work after lockdown

Are you struggling with the thought of going back to work in these uncertain times? Mental health at work has a useful guide to help you get back into the swing of things and transition seemlessly back into a work environment.
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Mental Health at work recently asked Dr Jo Yarker, organisational psychologist from Affinity Health at Work and Birkbeck, University of London to share her recommendations for staying mentally healthy as the country begins to think about going back into workplaces.

The article gives helpful advice such as:

1. Talk and connect

2. Plan and prepare

3. Have a return-to-work conversation with your line manager

4. Take things one step at a time

5. Monitor and review how you are getting on

You can view this article on the Mental Health at work website where you will also find plenty of great resources for staying healthy at work and how line managers can help their employees feel comfortable in their return to work.