Latest VCSE Partnership Programme updates - ICS developments

Please see below the latest update about the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) VCSE Partnership Programme and NENC Integrated Care System (ICS) developments.

Executive Directors appointed 

The ICS has appointed its team of Executive Directors. The VCSE Partnership Programme was invited to provide a perspective from our sector on two of the panels, and appointments have been made for seven Executive Directors.

These include medical, innovation, place-based partnerships (two posts), finance, people, digital and information, and corporate governance, communications and involvement. The new appointees will take up their positions over the next few months as the ICS continues to develop at pace. More information about the appointments here.

VCSE Partnership Forum round-up 

On March 24th we held our VCSE Partnership Forum. We were delighted to welcome Sam Allan, Chief Executive Designate of the ICB, who took the opportunity to introduce herself to more than 50 representatives of the sector who joined us, and facilitated a Q&A session. The discussion focussed on issues and concerns identified by the attendees as being most important to them, to help her understand issues both at community level and for the sector as a whole.

Topics raised included investment in the voluntary and community sector, innovation, transport, barriers to involvement and plans to ensure VCSE sector engagement from the outset. Sam reaffirmed this is the start of an ongoing conversation and that she would be open to attending meetings with VCSE organisations across the ICS footprint to continue the discussion, including future Partnership Forum meetings.

Clare Edwards from Cumbria CVS, alongside Jenny Benson and Sarah Thompson from Cumbria Community Foundation delivered a presentation on the innovative work in North Cumbria around their Hospital Discharge Support Fund and how that has impacted positively on partnership working and outcomes for residents.

Lisa Taylor shared updates on the plans for a Memorandum of Understanding between the VCSE Partnership Programme and the ICS which will be brought back to the Forum for input as it progresses.

Jane Hartley gave an update on the current Health Inequalities work that is being undertaken as part of the VCSE Partnership Programme.

Do you support people with multiple and complex needs?

As our ICS develops, it has become apparent there is the need for a space for organisations that support people with multiple and complex needs to come together to discuss the many health and wellbeing issues that face them and the people they support. Changing Lives is forming a new network of like-minded organisations, supported by the VCSE Partnership Programme. To register your interest and be involved in developing the remit of this group contact who will keep you informed of network developments.

How to get involved in the VCSE Partnership Programme

If you have any colleagues who are not currently a member of our VCSE Health and Wellbeing network but would like to receive our regular bulletin for VCSE Partnership Programme updates and health news, and to join our Partnership Forum or sub-groups, they can complete our online form

For questions about the ICS changes taking place and the work we are doing with the ICS through our VCSE Partnership Programme, contact or