Mental Health Lead (MHL) Training

As part of supporting your school / college to develop your approach to promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing, the Darlington MHST would like to draw you attention to these DfE grants to train a senior mental health in your setting.

It takes around 5 minutes to reserve a grant for senior mental health lead training.
DfE quality assured training will equip your senior lead with the knowledge and practical skills to embed an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing. Research shows that a school culture promoting positive mental health supports improved learning, attendance and behaviour. 
Ensure your school or college doesn’t miss out on these benefits by claiming a £1,200 grant, and then choose a course to best meet your needs. There are over 100 courses available:

  • Tailored to primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and alternative provision settings
  • Delivered flexibly – either online self-paced, online real time or face-to-face
  • Aimed at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels

Your grant can also be used to pay for supply cover should you need to backfill your mental health lead while undertaking training, or for further training and resources to implement or sustain your whole school or college approach. 
Click here and claim a grant now.