Learn about the Integrated Care System and VCSE Partnership Programme

The Health & Wellbeing Network North East & North Cumbria are running a regular monthly information session.

What is the Integrated Care System (ICS) and how can the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector feed into healthcare changes that are happening in our region?

What is the North East and North Cumbria VCSE Partnership Programme and how can my organisation be involved?

These questions and more will be answered - you'll hear a presentation about the ICS and VCSE Partnership Programme, and have the opportunity to ask your questions and discuss how you might like to get involved – whether that be through regular bulletin updates, attending the VCSE Partnership Forum or being involved with our regular VCSE sub-group meetings.

These sessions will take place on a monthly basis starting on Monday, 31st  October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm via Teams. To register your interest in attending contact our NENC VCSE Engagement Manager, Siobhan Flynn via email: siobhan.flynn@vonne.org.uk.