Have your say on Post-Covid Syndrome Services in Tees Valley

Contracting COVID-19 is a distressing experience that affects people differently, meaning you may have different care and wellbeing needs to others.

Although most people who have a mild case of COVID-19 recover quickly, around one in ten patients will report prolonged symptoms that can last for several weeks or even months. These symptoms can include chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, a cough and loss of sense of taste and smell, among others. Where symptoms persist past twelve weeks, this is known as post-Covid syndrome.

If your symptoms last for more than twelve weeks, you may require support to ensure that you recover well. NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) have compiled a variety of self-help resources, as well as information on the services available locally that can assist you with post-Covid syndrome. This information covers things like diet, exercise and smoking (if applicable), getting back to work and when to seek further support.

Across the Tees Valley, Local Authorities and NHS Trusts offer a wealth of support to people living with post-Covid syndrome.

You can access this information by visiting: https://nenc-teesvalley.icb.nhs.uk/recovering-from-covid-19/

If you have experienced post-Covid syndrome and live in Darlington, Stockton, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough or Redcar & Cleveland, you can share your feedback on local services and any support you have received, by completing this online survey before 17th February 2023: https://necs.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/post-covid-survey.

Feedback will enable health professionals to review the effectiveness of the services available support in the planning of future service delivery.