Update from TEWV: publication of independent investigation report

Last week saw the publication of the fourth and final report into West Lane Hospital.

The following is an update from Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.

This report is a system-wide independent investigation into concerns and issues raised relating to the safety and quality of CAMHS provision at West Lane Hospital. It follows the publication, in November last year, of reports into the sad deaths of three young women in our care.

The report includes recommendations for us and other organisations.

We have reiterated our heartfelt apology to the families of Christie, Nadia and Emily. The report makes it clear there were shortfalls in both care and leadership. Both have changed significantly during the last three years. This includes our new governance structure, embracing patient and carer experience and using their insights to continually improve, as well as our unrelenting focus on patient safety – all underpinned by Our Journey to Change.

Trust Chair David Jennings has issued a statement, which can be read on our website, along with the report and our assurance statement, which is our response to the recommendations.

Many of the recommendations have already been addressed within our services and while we no longer deliver children and young people’s mental health inpatient services we continue to provide community mental health services for children and young people across the region.

All the necessary changes are being made with the knowledge and oversight of the Care Quality Commission and NHS England.

If you have any questions please contact tewv.enquiries@nhs.net.