Follow the Eve Appeal during #GynaeCancerAwarenessMonth

A YouGov survey for Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month found that only one in five people know about the link between womb cancer and oestrogen and less than a third are aware of its link with ovarian cancer.

Oestrogen is one of the main female sex hormones. It plays an important role in puberty, menstruation and pregnancy. Levels fluctuate through the monthly cycle and fall as we go through the menopause. Oestrogen helps grow cells in the womb (uterine/endometrial) lining each month, to replace what was lost during the last period and create the right environment for a fertilised egg to implant. If there is excess oestrogen, it can cause the cells to grow uncontrollably: during the increased division and growth of cells, mutations can occur. This means that the cells have changed in an abnormal way and become precancerous or eventually develop into cancer if left untreated.

The survey also found a lack of knowledge about where our hormones are produced in the body, with over a third of people not knowing where oestrogen is made, and just over 40% aware that oestrogen is produced in the ovaries. Only 3% of people were aware that some oestrogen (although small levels) is produced in fat cells, which is why obesity increases the risk of womb cancer. 

All through September they will be sharing key information on hormones and their impact on cancer risk on their social media channels in their #HormoneDownload. They will also be talking about the menopause and HRT in more detail. Take the opportunity of Gynae Cancer Awareness Month to learn a little more about your body and follow them @eveappeal. You can also sign up to receive their hormone and cancer risk information straight to your inbox. Sign up for their #HormoneDownload here.