Regional MECC Training Evaluation - Public/Professional Panel Request

As part of the regional MECC programme North East and North Cumbria ICS are working with Northumbria University to recruit 4 panel members who can meet twice over the next 6 months and advise on the topic guides, recruitment, and findings.

They are approaching individuals that cover a wide range of sectors in the hope you can support them with this research to support the implementation and delivery of MECC training across the North East and North Cumbria.

They are currently recruiting for four people to join their public/professional advisory panel on a project at Northumbria University. The project aims to assess the 'train the trainer' model of training to disseminate Making Every Contact Count (MECC) at scale. 

You don't need to have received the training to be part of the panel, only be eligible for the training (e.g work within healthcare, the VCSE, or police or fire service).

They would appreciate your advice on recruitment, topic guides, and the interpretation of findings for the project. You will be reimbursed for your time. Please contact Bethany if you are interested at:


Please note, they will also soon be recruiting for participants to take part in an interview for this study too. 


Train the Trainer Training