Healthwatch Darlington's Annual Report 2018/19

Find out more about Healthwatch Darlington's key projects, health connector volunteers (including a fantastic year from our young Youthwatch Darlington volunteers) and plans for the future in 2018/19.


We tackled barriers faced by those service users with an addiction accessing mental health services, we revisited children & young peoples mental health, we explored the barriers of BAME patients using GP services and coordinated a region wide piece of work on behalf of NHS England. Our volunteers have been a huge help in supporting our key pieces of work. 

“I joined Healthwatch Darlington as a volunteer
in May 2017 after I saw one of their roles on a
I hoped to gain some news skills within an office.
Since then I have become newly qualified in
administration and I hope to gain a role as an
administrator in the near future. I’ve enjoyed
taking part in community events and being given
the opportunity to represent Healthwatch
Darlington at the Hospital and the Living with and
Beyond Cancer event.”

Ross, Health Connector Volunteer

Workplan 2019/20

Find out about our projects on our workplan for 2019/20:

 - GP services

 - Children & Young Peoples Mental Health

 - Hospital services

I am incredibly proud of our achievements in 2018/19 and this report reflects the dedication of our team and emphasises the need to work in partnership with others in order to gather relevant information and ensure high quality local care and health services. Volunteers are a charity’s most valued asset and our volunteers are exceptional! We could not have achieved so much if it were not for our dedicated team of Healthwatch Connectors and Youthwatch volunteers.

Michelle Thompson BEM, Chief Executive Officer


Healthwatch Darlington Annual Report 2018/19

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