1. Report -

    Find out what matters most to people in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham?
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    Find out what matters to people the most in County Durham, Darlington, Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire & Whitby when it comes to the future on their NHS services.
  3. News -

    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission published 53 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
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    Fancy a cuppa? You could join GOLD (Growing Older Living in Darlington) for their information to find out more about them!
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    Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust would like to update you on the new way to access the Durham Tees Valley listening service.
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    Healthwatch Darlington are sharing this information on behalf of Fair4All and are not in a position to advise on matters related to a person's financial situation. We are relaying this information to you as we are aware people may affected by the closure of Morses Club.
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    Healthwatch Darlington want to gather as much feedback as possible regarding health and social care services in the Borough of Darlington.
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    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
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    The National Institute for Care and Excellence are delighted to let you know that the consultation on their draft Working alongside people and communities at NICE: a three-year strategy for involvement and engagement is now open.
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    Last year, our polling highlighted the stark impact the cost of living crisis was having on people’s access to health and care.
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    North Tees and Hartlepool and South Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts have formally came together in partnership, creating an exciting opportunity for the two Trusts to work together to strengthen their collaborative offer of patient care.