Darlington Carers Support - Virtual Afternoon Tea, Thursday 11th June 2020, 2pm

Darlington Carers Support are holding their next afternoon tea and cake party this Thursday on Zoom in their 'virtual' carer support room!
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This event is a great way for people to connect during the pandemic from the comfort of their own home.

Why not go along and meet a friend over a nice cup of tea? 

The next meeting is happening on Thursday 11th June at 2pm on Zoom

All the instructions to join this event are available here.

Darlington Carers Support continue to offer advice and support during the pandemic to carers looking after someone who is ill, frail, disabled, or living with mental health issues or addiction. 

You can view their information and support services here.

If you or someone you know could benefit from this service please contact Darlington Carers Support directly on 03000 301215, email admin@darlingtoncarers.org or find them on Facebook.