Businesses can now apply for the Darlington healthy families catering award

Food outlets in Darlington can now apply for the Healthy Families Catering Award which will support healthier and more innovative children’s menus and options across Darlington.
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In Darlington, more than 2 in 10 of children aged 10-11 years are living with obesity (2019/20).

Childhood obesity impacts on children’s ability to thrive, and may cause bone and joint problems, poor immunity, breathing issues and poor mental health.

To improve the government obesity strategy (July 2020), outlines the need for a whole community approach to address the local environment, including the high street and settings where we live, work, go to school and play.

In Darlington the childhood healthy weight plan upholds a vision to support every child to feel emotionally and physically healthy, by providing opportunities to play and have access to and enjoy healthy foods.

Parents can often feel like they are swimming against a powerful flood of unhealthy foods. A community approach that supports families can work as a lifeboat and help improve children’s health. Shifting towards making healthy choices easier choices will support our families to flourish.

With ‘out of home’ food often contributing to high calorie intakes, food business options can play a part in our children’s health. For businesses who support healthy child outcomes look out for the change4life good choice badge and supported by Darlington Borough Council.

Apply for the Healthy Families Catering Award here