FREE Protect events on 28th February

Darlington Borough Council have great pleasure in inviting you to attend one of their FREE Protect events on 28th February.

The first one is at 1pm and the second is at 6pm and both are being held in the Dolphin Centre, Darlington.  The Protect Duty (Martyn’s Law) will become law very soon so this is an ideal opportunity to find out what businesses, organisations, etc. can do to protect themselves.  Graham Wakeman, a counter terrorism security adviser with Counter Terrorism Policing North East, will be passing on his knowledge and advice.

Further information is available to download at the bottom of this article.

Darlington Borough Council would like to inform you that these events have unfortunately been CANCELLED. They will arrange further events on this topic later in the year.

More info on PROTECT is on the website,  including links to ‘Martyn’s Law’ info. You can also scan the QR code below to go to the ProtectUK website.



If you work with someone, or know someone, who you think might also be interested in attending on of these events please forward them this information.

If you want to be a part of either of these sessions please email
