Carers of all ages - help Durham County Carers Support shape the Darlington Carers Strategy

A new Carers strategy to is be developed. To do this, Durham County Carers Support are asking unpaid carers for their help.

If you're an unpaid carer, they want to know what works for you/the person you care for and what doesn't. The valuable feedback will be used to produce a plan for the future around support for unpaid family Carers. It will be called Darlington’s Commitment to Carers 2023 - 2027.

To gather the views of unpaid carers they've produced an anonymous survey to gain a better overview and overall picture of what's good and bad about the support currently available.

Print out survey 


Take survey online 

The closing date is Sunday 19th March 2023.

YOUNG CARERS HAVE YOUR SAY! Ever wanted to let the local authority know what it is like for you as a Young Carer, or as an adult having a Young Carer in your family, but don’t know how? Then take the young carers survey! As part of Darlington’s Commitment to Carers Strategy 2022-2026 they need to here the views of Carers of all ages. If you could please say a few words about your experience as a Young Carer or having a Young Carer in your family it would be amazing.

Survey for Young Carers

The closing date for the Young Carers survey is also Sunday 19th March 2023.