Opportunity for VCSE Organisations to help adults improve Numeracy with 'Multiply'

A unique opportunity is available for your Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisation to help adults improve their numeracy skills through a new government-funded programme.

Multiply has launched across the UK. 

Hartlepool Borough Council was named by Tees Valley Combined Authority as the Lead Body for the Tees Valley Multiply Programme (Community Led).

Since December 2022, the Council in partnership with the other Local Authorities and community organisations across Tees Valley have supported 1,569 adults to enhance their numeracy skills so they can understand and use maths in their daily lives, at home and in work. This has resulted in a range of innovative activities which have made a positive impact on local communities and confirmation has now been received that the programme will continue into year 2. The Multiply Programme is being funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and aims to support over 4,000 adults across Tees Valley.

There are free financial donations for Voluntary organisations who take part, along with free workshops to add enrichment with your client groups. You must complete an application form to join the Multiply project. If you are successful on your application, your organisation will receive £120 per participating adult in any Multiply activities delivered by your organisation. 

The purpose of the programme is to enhance the numeracy skills of adults so they can understand and use maths in their daily lives, at home and in work. The provision is being funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will support over 4,000 adults across Tees Valley.

This funding opportunity for VCSE organisations will initially be for the period to 31st March 2024 and focused on delivery of Outreach Focussed/Bitesize Activities. 

Attached below is a flyer for 'Multiply' with instructions on how to apply as well as the programme specification and an application form.

Learning and Skills are hosting an information and support session on Friday 28th April at Bennet House, 14 Horse Market, Darlington DL1 5PT (12:30pm – 1pm with time after for questions and support) - this will be an opportunity for you to discuss with L&S staff about the Multiply programme, what is expected from your organisation, what support they can give you and most importantly they can assist you in completing the Grant Application Form. 

Just a note that all applications if you decide to go ahead with Multiply delivery must be submitted to Multiply@hartlepool.gov.uk by 5pm on Monday 22nd May 2023 We then aim to notify applicants of our decisions promptly and applications will be scored in line with the weightings within the attached Application Form.

If you have any questions, then please contact us  by emailing Heather.Jarvis-Jewell@darlington.gov.uk.


'Multiply' Flyer
Programme Specification
Application Form