Relaxation Sessions at Morrison Trust

Are you feeling stressed out, overworked, and under-rested? Morrison Trust can help!

Come and join Morrison Trust at Morton Park for the next Relaxation Sessions on the 16th, 30th of June and 14th July 12:15pm – 1:45pm. It’s totally free to anyone living in Darlington and very friendly.

You will be guided through a series of stretches and gentle breathing exercises designed to calm your mind and body. The soothing music will help you feel completely at ease. All you need are some comfy clothes and a towel or blanket.

Yvonne, the Relaxation tutor, has her hands full with 7 Golden Retriever pups so can't wait to catch up with you soon!

Spaces are limited so contact them to make sure you don't miss out:

01325 387700 or;