1. Report -

    Find out what service users told us about Vascular services in County Durham & Darlington.
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    Find out more about Healthwatch Darlington's key projects, health connector volunteers (including a fantastic year from our young Youthwatch Darlington volunteers) and plans for the future in 2018/19.
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    Find out more about Healthwatch Darlington's research into the provision of bereavement services in Darlington.
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    Find out how our young volunteers from Youthwatch Darlington explored the waiting areas of a local GP surgery in Darlington and the information they provide for young patients living in the town.
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    Find out how Healthwatch Darlington & Healthwatch County Durham captured the views of patients, visitors and staff about County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trusts smoke-free policy - “change is in the air”.
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    Find out what service users told Healthwatch Darlington about their experiences when being discharged from hospital.
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    Service users share their experiences and understanding of NHS Continuing Health Care.
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    We are delighted to share with you the finalised report on vaping among young people in Darlington.
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    We are pleased to share the Adult Social Care: Lived Experience Repprt which provides valuable insights into our local Adult Social Care services and highlights areas of success and potential improvement.
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    We are pleased to present this report detailing Healthwatch Darlington's recent partnership with Darlington Borough Council Public Health Team in supporting the Diabetes Model of Care across Darlington.
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    We have pleasure in sharing reports that offer insights into the needs of people with learning disabilities aged 40 and above in the combined Tees Valley area as well as here in Darlington.