1. Advice and Information -

    People have told us they can have problems registering with a GP. This article explains more about your rights and what do to if you are refused the right to register.
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    We have gathered a selection of wellbeing information, outdoor activities and online activities that might help during Spring 2021 as restrictions continue to ease. We have also included Easter bank holiday 2021 opening times for local services.
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    Youthwatch Darlington have gathered information to help us think about healthy eating and exercise. As restrictions begin to ease and the warmer weather arrives - we think it's a great time to think about positive ways to look after our wellbeing.
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    We know some people feel anxious or worried when they’re told they need a colonoscopy but it’s important to have this test if they’re referred.
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    The Eve Appeal have partnered with The Survivors Trust to raise awareness of the challenges survivors of sexual violence face when accessing cervical screening appointments as part of the #CheckWithMeFirst campaign.
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    On 14th February 2022, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement, are launching a Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening Campaign
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    We at Healthwatch Darlington have produced a very handy booklet on accessing your GP.
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    We know from our conversations with the public that some patients report feeling rushed during appointments and struggling to make themselves heard. Here are some tips that could help you get the most out of visiting your GP.