1. Report -

    Find our how our young volunteers from Youthwatch Darlington explored three GP surgeries in Darlington throughout 2019, so they could understand the information available for young patients within primary care services.
  2. News -

    The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by seven Adult Social Care (ASC) services in the North region to be Outstanding.
  3. News -

    National Voices has produced a briefing paper (link available below) for Primary Care Networks (PCNs) for the broader voluntary and community, social enterprise sector (VCSE).
  4. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated the services provided by Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust as Requires Improvement following its latest inspection.
  5. News -

    Do you want to share your experiences of the NHS with healthcare staff in their current learning programme? The NHS Leadership Academy want to hear from you!
  6. News -

    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission has published 328 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
  7. News -

    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission has published 92 reports on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors.
  8. News -

    Please see attached the CQC Monthly update for February 2020.
  9. News -

    Please see attached the latest edition of The Health Foundation Newsletter.
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    Please see attached the latest edition of DAD's The Hub Newsletter.
  11. News -

    Please see attached the latest edition of the Charity Digital Newsletter, including important Ransomware guidance for charities.
  12. News -

    Please see the attached the latest edition of the Patient Experience Library Newsletter
  13. News -

    The General Pharmaceutical Council have produced a new online guide for patients and the public which explains what they can expect when visiting a pharmacy.
  14. News -

    Please see below information on a FREE range of short guided walks now available beginning at South Park, Darlington across March and April.
  15. News -

    There is a good deal of evidence to support the fact that singing is good for everyone and it has been shown to be particularly beneficial especially for people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s.
  16. News -

    Please see attached information inviting staff, volunteers and local community to sign up to CQC’s online participation platform.
  17. News -

    Please see attached information on all upcoming events in 2020 around Integrated Care Systems.
  18. News -

    Please see attached link detailing the Dementia Cafe's dates throughout 2020.
  19. News -

    Dogs for Good run workshops throughout the UK to support families with an autistic child.
    A workshop will be taking place in the North, in Newcastle, September 2020.
  20. News -

    On 16th May 2020 we will be offering free awareness testing for men in Darlington to establish their PSA levels and so give a possible indication of prostate cancer.
  21. News -

    The NCVO Annual Conference is coming up on Monday 20th April 2020.
  22. News -

    First Stop Darlington are turning 21! Why don't you go along to a fun night and help First Stop celebrate their 21st at the Mercure Hotel (King's Head) and raise money for a much needed service in Darlington.
  23. News -

    Please see attached link below with information for Prostate Cancer UK's Male Urology Study Day on Friday 27th March 2020 in Newcastle.
  24. News -

    Just a reminder that the next MVP Maternity Voices in Partnership Babi group meeting is on Tuesday 17th March 10.am – 12noon, Hollies Restaurant, meeting room 1, Darlington Memorial Hospital (lower ground floor).
  25. News -

    The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds high quality research that is focused on the needs of patients and the public.
  26. News -

    It is a little over a year since the Let’s Talk Cardiology Event at the Durham Centre and there has been a lot of work behind the scenes as a result.
  27. News -

    The NIHR Academy are currently recruiting for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) representatives to join their advisory groups.
  28. News -

    Please see the poster below detailing the Care and Share courses available through March. Please Note: the next course is on Monday 9th March 2020.
  29. News -

    From now until 6th March County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service are running their annual consultation on their plans for the year ahead and they want to hear what you think!
  30. News -

    Are you a Relevant person representative, sometimes known as an RPR for someone who is living in a Care Home or Hospital?
  31. News -

    The deaf health charity 'Sign Health' have translated COVID-19 information from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
  32. News -

    The government is currently coordinating the national response the outbreak of COVID-19, and Public Health England (PHE) has published a range of COVID-19 guidance for health professionals.
  33. News -

    We have some exciting news! Our Health Connector volunteering program (for age 25+) is currently open for new volunteer applicants. Our new year starts on 1st April 2020 which means we will be looking at the year ahead and some exciting new projects.
  34. News -

    NHS England and NHS Improvement would like people of all ages to share their views on non AND non-spoken word interpreting (e.g British Sign Languages) services in Primary Care.
  35. News -

    The next DOT Network meeting will be held on the above date from 10am-12pm in the Pease Suite in the Dolphin Centre.
  36. News -

    Darlington Mind now have Dementia Day Care at St Hilda's House providing mental health services for older people living with Dementia/Alzheimer's.
  37. News -

    National Voices has produced a briefing paper (link available below) for Primary Care Networks (PCNs), and for the broader voluntary and community, social enterprise sector (VCSE).
  38. News -

    Do you want to share your experiences of the NHS with healthcare staff in their current learning programme? The NHS Leadership Academy want to hear from you!
  39. News -

    In the past week, the Care Quality Commission has published 98 reports (including Darlington) on services which have been inspected by specialist teams of inspectors. These are now available for you to read!
  40. News -

    The General Pharmaceutical Council have produced a new online guide for patients and the public which explains what they can expect when visiting a pharmacy.
  41. News -

    Please see below information inviting staff, volunteers and local community to sign up to CQC’s online participation platform.
  42. News -

    GOLD (Growing Older Living in Darlington) have their Annual General Meeting coming up and you can be a part of it!
  43. News -

    Food For Thought Darlington is taking over the kitchen at the Hole in the Wall pub, on Monday 23rd March, where they will be serving three courses of gourmet food to raise funds for their re-distribution and cookery activities.
  44. News -

    The MVP group wants to make sure the voices of local mums and their families are heard in maternity services.  Do come and join them! 
  45. News -

    The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funds high quality research that is focused on the needs of patients and the public.
  46. News -

    It is a little over a year since the Let’s Talk Cardiology Event at the Durham Centre and there has been a lot of work behind the scenes as a result.
  47. News -

    The next course on Monday 16th March 2020 is entitled 'Developing Confidence and Self-Esteem
  48. News -

    The deaf health charity 'Sign Health' have translated COVID-19 information from Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
  49. News -

    The government is currently coordinating the national response the outbreak of COVID-19, and Public Health England (PHE) has published a range of COVID-19 guidance for health professionals.
  50. News -

    The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by twelve Adult Social Care (ASC) services in the North region to be Outstanding.