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    Youthwatch Darlington have gathered information to help us think about healthy eating and exercise. As restrictions begin to ease and the warmer weather arrives - we think it's a great time to think about positive ways to look after our wellbeing.
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    At the Coroners Court Support Service, we have teams of volunteers who meet and greet families and witnesses attending inquests in most coroners’ courts in England and have been doing so since 2003.
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    Please find below link to Signhealth charity who provide support/resources for deaf people and guidance for practitioners who work with them:
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    NHS North East and Yorkshire (North East and North Cumbria)
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    A Multi-Agency Partnership Briefing Podcast on Domestic Abuse has been developed setting out the new protections under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
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    Qwell (www.qwell.io) is a safe and an anonymous mental health and wellbeing online community service.
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    Are you in an at risk group?
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    Learning & Development Opportunities
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    Please find below useful contacts for over the festive period.

    The Mental Health Support Team wish you an enjoyable festive season and best wishes for 2022.
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    Please find below useful contacts for over the festive period.

    The Mental Health Support Team wish you an enjoyable festive season and best wishes for 2022.
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    Please see contact information for the North East ICA.
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    Diabetes care during booster roll out and winter pressures
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    Please find lots of information below for help over the festive period including emergency contacts, bereavement support and Citizen Advice Bureau help and support
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    NQA Foodbank will be providing hot meals on 25th December for those who are struggling and alone.
    Booking is preferred so we can cater for the correct amount - please contact us ASAP.

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    HEALTHWATCH has produced a myth busting leaflet, dispelling the most common rumours relating to NHS dentistry.
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    The Sanctuary Scheme is a scheme to protect vulnerable people at risk of domestic abuse.
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    The more people are aware of these local services, the better support people can access to live well with dementia.
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    We know some people feel anxious or worried when they’re told they need a colonoscopy but it’s important to have this test if they’re referred.
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    The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)'s new childhood nutrition campaign focuses on using the Food Scanner app to help families make healthier food swaps.
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    England will fully return to Plan A on Thursday 27 January thanks to the success of the booster programme, with ministers urging anyone who has still not had a top-up jab to come forward and Get Boosted Now.
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    The Eve Appeal have partnered with The Survivors Trust to raise awareness of the challenges survivors of sexual violence face when accessing cervical screening appointments as part of the #CheckWithMeFirst campaign.
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    On 14th February 2022, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement, are launching a Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening Campaign
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    Across Tees and Durham the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Mental Health Partnership has funded an online therapy service for adults, Qwell ( www.qwell.io.) which runs alongside the service for young people aged 11-18, Kooth (www.kooth.com)
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    The Traveller Movement is a registered UK charity promoting inclusion and community engagement with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.
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    Free wellbeing offers for health and social care staff.
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    Fancy a cuppa? Sometimes reaching out to someone with as little as three words can make a big difference.
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    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
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    Everyone aged 50 and over will be among those offered a COVID-19 booster and a flu jab this autumn under plans to increase protection against respiratory viruses ahead of winter.
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    The latest NHS stakeholder briefing aims to keep you up to date with the current situation regarding NHS dental services across our region.
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    We at Healthwatch Darlington have produced a very handy booklet on accessing your GP.
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    We know from our conversations with the public that some patients report feeling rushed during appointments and struggling to make themselves heard. Here are some tips that could help you get the most out of visiting your GP.