1. Advice and Information -

    If you have cancer, it’s understandable you might feel anxious about COVID-19. The Government and the NHS have both confirmed that cancer treatment should continue to be prioritised during the response to the COVID-19 emergency.
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    The current Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our seven steps to looking after your wellbeing while staying informed.
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    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
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    Looking after your mental health is important for everyone but young people may have their own challenges to deal with during these uncertain times, which means we need to take extra care. Find out how you can get support in Darlington.
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    Many people across the UK will still be working from home where ever possible during the pandemic.
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    One of the feelings millions of us are experiencing during the current coronavirus pandemic is loneliness. While we stay safe and save lives, our usual ways of seeing family, friends or just familiar faces have been put on pause.
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    Body image is how we think about ourselves physically and how we think others perceive us. For young people body image can be particularly difficult to cope with.
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    Provide free and confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs & alcohol. We are With You will work with you on your own goals, whether that’s getting a bit of advice, cutting down your drug or alcohol use or stopping completely.
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    As we prepare to get back to ‘a new normal’ many people feel uncertain or anxious about the future. This page features links to organisations offering tips on coping with these feelings and strategies that might help when returning to new routines.
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    Due to the pandemic everything has changed this year which means making decisions about your future as a young person can be worrying or confusing. Youthwatch Darlington share information helping young people during these uncertain times.
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    We’ve put together an array of information supporting different age groups from across the LGBT+ community. The information offers a choice of local, regional and national help and advice.
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    We have gathered a selection of wellbeing information, outdoor activities and online activities that might help during Spring 2021 as restrictions continue to ease. We have also included Easter bank holiday 2021 opening times for local services.
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    Please find below link to Signhealth charity who provide support/resources for deaf people and guidance for practitioners who work with them:
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    A Multi-Agency Partnership Briefing Podcast on Domestic Abuse has been developed setting out the new protections under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
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    Qwell (www.qwell.io) is a safe and an anonymous mental health and wellbeing online community service.
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    Please find below useful contacts for over the festive period.

    The Mental Health Support Team wish you an enjoyable festive season and best wishes for 2022.
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    Please find below useful contacts for over the festive period.

    The Mental Health Support Team wish you an enjoyable festive season and best wishes for 2022.
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    Please find lots of information below for help over the festive period including emergency contacts, bereavement support and Citizen Advice Bureau help and support
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    The Sanctuary Scheme is a scheme to protect vulnerable people at risk of domestic abuse.
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    The more people are aware of these local services, the better support people can access to live well with dementia.
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    The Eve Appeal have partnered with The Survivors Trust to raise awareness of the challenges survivors of sexual violence face when accessing cervical screening appointments as part of the #CheckWithMeFirst campaign.
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    Across Tees and Durham the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Mental Health Partnership has funded an online therapy service for adults, Qwell ( www.qwell.io.) which runs alongside the service for young people aged 11-18, Kooth (www.kooth.com)
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    The Traveller Movement is a registered UK charity promoting inclusion and community engagement with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.
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    Fancy a cuppa? Sometimes reaching out to someone with as little as three words can make a big difference.