1. News -

    Darlington Conference
  2. Advice and Information -

    The Sanctuary Scheme is a scheme to protect vulnerable people at risk of domestic abuse.
  3. Advice and Information -

    We know some people feel anxious or worried when they’re told they need a colonoscopy but it’s important to have this test if they’re referred.
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    The aim of the research is to select and culturally adapt a therapy for Urdu speaking British South Asians with mild to moderate dementia.
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    CQC's Because We All Care campaign, jointly launched with Healthwatch England, encourages more people to speak up and feedback about their or a loved one’s care.
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    NQB's guidance on SQGs had now been published. All Integrated Care Systems are required to have a System Quality Group, focused on enabling quality improvement across the health and care system.
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    The Workforce Development Training Directory weekly update is available online.

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    Groundwork would appreciate if your organisation and service users could complete the below surveys to help gather information for their new project "together for change"
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    Darlington Borough Council has commissioned cyberstalking training which is highly engaging and extremely relevant in today’s social climate
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    On Monday there was a significant level of parliamentary interest in dentistry - particularly around Healthwatch England's recent 'What people have told us about NHS dentistry' report.
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    Healthwatch Darlington helps people have their say about health & care services in the town. Your experiences will provide us with a complete picture of the last 2 years of the pandemic.
  12. Advice and Information -

    The Eve Appeal have partnered with The Survivors Trust to raise awareness of the challenges survivors of sexual violence face when accessing cervical screening appointments as part of the #CheckWithMeFirst campaign.
  13. Advice and Information -

    On 14th February 2022, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), with the support of NHS England and NHS Improvement, are launching a Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening Campaign
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    Summary of key health and social care issues
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    Healthwatch Darlington look forward to welcoming you to our March meeting via Zoom. Our guest speakers are Lisa Taylor and Siobhan Flynn from the North East and North Cumbria VCSE Partnership Programme.
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    Inclusion North are working with Learning Disability England, Difference North East and British Institute of Human Rights to ask the Ministerial Oversight Group on Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to involve people with lived experience.
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    A fortnightly round-up of all the latest news and events on integrating health and care across the country, including examples of best practice from NHS, local government and voluntary sector partnerships.
  18. Report -

    Healthwatch Darlington wanted to understand the experiences encountered by the LGBT+ community in Darlington when accessing healthcare services. Read Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust response to our report.
  19. Blog -

    People with little or no English struggle at all points of their healthcare journey. Healthwatch England's new research shines a light on barriers and delays to care they often experience and calls for equal access for all.
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    A new survey of public attitudes to NHS dentistry shows that half of the adults in England find dental charges unfair amid escalating living costs. Healthwatch England have warned decision-makers that NHS dentistry is in desperate need of reform.
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    NHS Tees Valley CCG is currently reviewing non-complex, age-related adult hearing services across the Tees Valley.
  22. Advice and Information -

    Provide free and confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs & alcohol. We are With You will work with you on your own goals, whether that’s getting a bit of advice, cutting down your drug or alcohol use or stopping completely.
  23. Report -

    Championing what matters to you!
  24. Report -

    By law, all publicly funded health & care care providers must fully comply with the Accessible Information Standard (AIS) which requires services to meet the information & communication needs of people with a learning disability or sensory impairment
  25. Report -

    Healthwatch Darlington wanted to explore the experiences of local people at each stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report highlights three important milestones:
    Pre vaccine experiences, Vaccine experiences, Post vaccine experiences.
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    That's right, the best local Pride celebration is back, with the Darlington Pride Weekender all this week!
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    Following an inquiry from the Committee, this report examines funding and workforce demands, local government finances, and the potential impact of Government proposals such as charging reforms.
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    Could you help Northumbria University's research?
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    The Prince's Trust Team programme - Darlington, starts on Monday 19th September at 207-209 Northgate, Darlington!
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    Opportunities have become available to be a part of NIHR's decision making committees in the Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria.
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    We would like to extend our warmest congratulations and a happy birthday to our good friends at Arcus who this week celebrate their 2nd birthday since it's inception is 2020.
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    The North East and North Cumbria Deep End Network are delighted to host the next Health Inequalities Summit via a free online webinar on 14th September 2022, 12pm – 2:30pm (MS Teams)
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    Darlington Borough Council has joined forces with Darlington CAB to call out to pensioners on a low income urging them to check if they are eligible to claim Pension Credit.
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    Learners and staff from Learning & Skills Darlington are celebrating after the service was graded ‘good’ by Ofsted.
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    A test is currently underway within DWP looking to support disabled people in moving into employment via the Access to Work scheme.
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    Our friends at Arcus LGBT CIC have launched a survey to gather information from their older LGBT+ community after identifying potential inequalities in the health and care system.
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    Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller families face significant inequalities in maternal health, with high infant and maternal mortality rates.
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    We are pleased to invite you to our next DOT meeting on Thursday 15th September 2022 10am to 12pm via Zoom - joining details on the agenda below.

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    Anna McLaren, Widening Participation Ambassador at STRIVE Academic Centre (South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) is leading Health Education England funded project on behalf of health and social care partners across the Tees Valley.
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    Tesco Community Grants (blue tokens) are looking for the next round of applications. Deadline for applications will be November 22nd 2022, successful applicants will go into Store for voting Jan/Feb/Mar2023.
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    A funding opportunity to support social and charitable activities linked to PHP Healthcare centres is available from County Durham Community Foundation and your organisation can apply today!